Buffalo Wallow

When a bath really matters! Buffalo wallows fill with water and support the grassland. The buffalo are happy, the prairie is happy. Everything connected, purposeful and good…nature teaches and we …

We are Nature Podcast | A Voice of Nature

We are Nature Podcast

WE ARE NATURE – WITH TANAH WHITEMORE The podcast is a series of dialogues with global thought leaders, authors, entrepreneurs and modern mystics exploring the art and science of storymaking. …

We talk to animals

  We talk to the animals, to the birds, plants, to our vehicles, to the Mountain and thank goodness to each other. At some point we all do. Life here …


This story came to us in mid-December, yet it is what Christmas is about. It changed my life. In the early morning hours I meditate, preparing and asking for guidance …

Twins | A Voice of Nature


TWINS, WHERE TWO OR MORE… These two beauties, born out of season, so young to face a harsh winter, touched many and seem to continue to talk to me. I …

And Then There Were Nine

(originally posted September 5, 2016) Proud and terrified, I was now the stewardess of eight magnificent buffalo! First, there was Heidi and Teddy (previously named and twins). I could not …

Remembering Joe Larson

(originally posted August 19, 2016) Joseph Larson worked with us, for us and was loved as family for many years before meeting his Sweetheart and moving to New Mexico. Last …


(originally posted August 13, 2016) In parts of South America, the frog is a strong and sacred symbol of wealth and abundance. When I was in Peru, I was given …